Spokane Municipal Court
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Court Dates By Case Number
Case number beginning with a number: If the citation (case) number on the citation you were issued, or on correspondence you have received from the Court regarding the citation, begins with a number, which is followed by the letter “Z”, please enter
all nine digits
of citation (case) number digits on the citation or correspondence. (Example 3Z0123456)
Case number beginning with a letter: If the case number on the citation you were issued, or on correspondence you have received from the Court regarding the citation, begins with a letter, please enter the letter and skip all zeros between the beginning letter and the 1st non-zero number, then enter the rest of the digits of the case number on the citation or correspondence. (Example B001234 is entered as B1234.)
Case Number
not equals
starts with
ends with
not contains
not in
not blank
equals + nulls
not equals + nulls
starts with + nulls
ends with + nulls
contains + nulls
not contains + nulls
soundex + nulls
in + nulls
not in + nulls